This is an image of a piece of kiwifruit cut in half. It is green and has a brown, furry skin. The fruit is symmetrical and has a brown, fuzzy texture. The piece of fruit is sitting on top of a white background. The fruit has a round shape and is approximately 5 centimetres in diameter. The kiwi has a brown stem on one side and a brown, furry skin on the other side. It is sitting on top of a white background. The kiwi is symmetrical and has a round shape. The fruit is approximately 5 centimetres in diameter and has a brown stem on one side and a brown, furry skin on the other side. It is sitting on top of a white background. The kiwi is symmetrical and has a round shape. The fruit is approximately 5 centimetres in diameter and has a brown stem on one side and a brown, furry skin on the other side. It is sitting on top of a white background. The kiwi is symmetrical and has a round shape.

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